First, an incredibly Happy Thanksgiving to all my American Friends! May you have a happy, safe and positive Holiday weekend celebration.
Despite the devastation brought on by the extraordinary spread of COVID19 and the economic challenges it precipitated; most Governments have put stimulus packages in place that has softened the blow. Front line health care workers have risked everything to save countless lives in the face of the overwhelming odds against them brought on by the worldwide lack of preparedness by penny pinching fiscal policies benefiting a select few at the expense of the majority. The same leadership (or lack thereof) has over decades led to a SILO model of society and business alike.
Aviation from airports to manufacturers to airlines and ground service providers has been particularly hard hit. Some Countries have introduced stimulus packages with varying results others have done nothing. None has made a coordinated effort to bring together all of the Industry Stakeholders to find a lasting effective policy for both the transition and the longterm.
The various sectors in the Aviation World have continued in the obsolete “Red Water” mode of them or us cut throat competition. This modus operandi has increasingly led to winners and losers created by small limited minded solutions increasing the income gap and adding to the world’s environmental vulnerability.
The way forward MUST be the integration of the SILO’s into one cohesive whole. Collaboration and cooperation of all the sectors (airports, airlines, manufacturers, service providers, government and labour) working as one.
Airport lobby groups fighting against Airline lobbyists hinder each other’s chances of getting the proper funding and loans required to make the Industry as a whole stronger.
With total cooperation benefiting companies, employees, customers, suppliers and investors the recovery can be much sooner than each group has been predicting. A focus on the collaborative, prosperous (for all) integrated Revenue Science Solutions for a Green, Clean, Safe and Prosperous future is to only legitimate way forward.
AVCON-WoW can help make positive Revenue Growth and integrated TEAM solutions a reality www.avconww.com and info@avconwow.com.