Is your TEAM promoting an integrated safety culture?
It is a regulatory requirement to implement Safety Management System and its six foundational component standards. These components are aimed at improving safety performance and implementing risk management in the aviation environment. A positive safety culture will help you to establish an effective SMS Program.
No matter your company size or operational environment, promoting a strong safety culture is fundamentally about implementing and encouraging a non-punitive reporting culture. How do you know you have a strong safety culture?

When your organization and all its component parts form a cohesive whole, following Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) thinking based on the Revenue Science principles, supported by the foundation of a totally integrated and focused Safety culture. Too many Airlines and businesses operate in Silo’s and lack a context to bring them together. CRO thinking and the total Safety Culture give it all context.
It is important to understand that a strong safety culture must be established by leaders. It can only be successful when leaders and management are fully committed to safety above all else. Only them can they get complete buy-in from everyone else from bottom to top in every Department.
This 100% commitment to Safety over profits must always prevail. Safety throughout combined with the elimination of waste causing CHAOS will lead to new and better revenue growth. Focus on what is important in the new collaborative, effective, caring, green and growth oriented post COVID world and financial success will follow.
Focus on Shareholder return and executive compensation at the expense of employees well being and customer satisfaction will doom you to the dust bin of history. Unless you care about the entire workforce TEAM and Customer satisfaction with an unwavering passion your mountain to success will be too high to scale.
To learn about how Revenue Science and CRO thinking leading to the creation of a safety oriented environmentally friendly integrated TEAM that will lead to amazing revenue growth and profitability please contact us. or at
AVCON.WW Inc. “Helping Aviation Client Grow and Prosper”