Much has been written and reported as to the devasting impact of the pandemic on our daily lives. Unfortunately, negative news is what draws the average person to news broadcasters be they print, cable, social media platforms that often lead to discussions around the family dinner table.
Lockdowns, loss of jobs, delayed non-pandemic medical treatment or tests, increased addiction fallout, abuse, illness, deaths and more weigh heavily on many families and individuals. The reliance on government handouts and isolation from friends and families further compound the current situation.
Yet look at human history, there is room for hope and optimism once we as a people gather together to all row in the same direction. At the end of WWII, there was massive destruction and untold loss of life. Yet within a relatively short period, destruction was replaced by rebuilt towns, new industry, a baby boom and overall prosperity for the vast majority of the population.
All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo
The time has come for PPF or People Power Forward. One can hardly deny that economic recovery and sustainability depends on all of us, contributing through the purchase of goods and services.
Yet as individuals, there is little that one can do to change the economic pain such as airports waiting for passengers, hotels with an occupancy rate of less than 10%, and restaurants limiting services often to takeout only.
Our world, due to COVID19, will not readily or ever return to what it was before January of 2020. Yet by working together families, neighbourhoods, communities, towns cites, States / Provinces and even entire countries can turn this economic calamity and even despair around for an even better world quicker and in a more balanced manner for all levels of society.
PPF will not be beholden to any political, agency, business or another party to ensure that its mission and purpose can’t be hijacked or diverted to benefit one party over another.
PPF will provide a network and platform for the average citizen from all walks of life to explore new ideas, identify opportunities, share optimistic news, reach out and support one another. Over time the PPF tool can help support local businesses which in turn will drive personal and overall economic prosperity.
The vision of PPF is a simple yet profound one:
Moving forward together helping people to recover, reinvent and prosper.
Society as a whole has and continues to suffer measurably in so many different ways. Human beings need each other for comfort, understanding and support. PPF can make a measurable positive difference.
To realize the PPF vision, PPF holds six core beliefs:
Belief 1 – This will pass.
Belief 2 – We will stay safe.
Belief 3 – Socialization is an important component of our life, and it will continue to be so.
Belief 4 – We are capable, creative, resilient and we will adapt and overcome.
Belief 5 – Everyone is valued and can contribute to our success.
Belief 6 – People walking together towards a new life.
People Powering Forward (PPF) Mission is a simple but profound one:
People helping people recover, renew and build through process and teamwork for a better tomorrow.
As PPF continues in its formation and development stage, a number of key principles are embedded into the very core of the PPF development structure:
PPF will offer a voluntary and open membership. We will not favour one party over another.
PPF will be democratic and under the control of its members.
PPF will encourage all members to contribute to the overall effort for long term collective benefit.
PPF is an autonomous self-help movement controlled by our members.
PPF promotes training, information and education to help promote recovery and sustainability.
PPF will cooperate with other like efforts.
PPF is always concerned about the community.
In summary, PPF is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned democratically lead movement.
The PPF movement embraces the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity in the tradition of our PPF founders. PPF members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility, and caring for others.
Are you interested in joining our PPF movement as various functional support structures come into being? Together we can and will change our community, country and world for the net benefit of all its people.
Paul Ritchi paul.ritchi@avcon.wow.com