Our world changed permanently a mere 10 weeks ago (has it only been that short a timeframe it seems like a lifetime). COVID19 or the CORONA Virus now has reached the top 20 World altering events in the history of mankind along with such things as the printing press, the World Wars, putting a man on the moon, the black plague and 14 other events.
The Aviation Community has been devastated worldwide, seeing flying and revenue falling by 80% during this short period. This trend will slow and a mini recovery of around 25 to 40% over the rest of 2020 is projected. There is optimism that the recovery will continue at a faster pace throughout 2021. Unfortunately, there will be casualties along the way -even with massive government assistance, which is not guaranteed everywhere.
The new normal to bring consumer confidence will revolve around safety & cleanliness and continued efforts to reduce the environmental impact caused by the industry. Safe rational distancing onboard aircraft will become the norm, the use of personal protective equipment for passengers and crew will be required and acceptable for a limited time but this will become an issue over the mid term 6 to 12 months and will become less accepted if alternative effective safety precautions are not found and implemented, most specifically a cure or mitigating solution.
New cleaning precautions and stringent and transparent self-compliance by airlines, ground handlers and airports will become a permanent fixture.
All of this is MUST take place over the next 18 months through 3 P (Public Private Partnerships) collaboration to mitigate the worst of the recovery period economic impact. Going forward cooperative pricing models MUST be found to benefit all of the stakeholders including the traveling public.
AVCON.WW Inc. will continue to produce and conduct auditing, training (through seminars, webinars, online and virtual instruction and classroom instruction) and revenue science consulting to focus on making ground safety and operations economically and healthily viable.
info@avconww.com or 416 283 7575.