TEAM Culture of Safety Discipline
Post Covid19 business is going to have to be health and safety driven to avoid another lockdown at any point in the future. The travelling public are going to demand airplanes and terminal buildings are safe and disease free.
More time and effort will be needed to ensure this happens without becoming too economically onerous. We as an industry will need to address social distancing in the near term and enforce PPE procedures.
Applying rational best industry cleaning practices within a Revenue Science focused Health and Safety program will drive the discipline and inter-departmental cooperation and coordination required to invest in Safety and cleanliness as opposed to spend money on short term price driven solutions.
Developing a highly functioning TEAM requires consistency and persistent attention to individual and team discipline our newest coaching and training product can help you secure a more prosperous future.
For further information we can be reached at info@avconww.com
Wayne Anaka – CEO AVCON.WW inc.
NEXT – Environmental Sustainability and Revenue Science PART V of V