Prep is the Key to the Post COVID 19 World As a Canadian I am very proud and pleased with how well our elected Leaders have responded to the COVID19 Pandemic. They have worked together in a non-partisan manner to collectively break the back of this common enemy. Unfortunately, they and us as citizens failed badly in not being prepared for this fight. It is not fair, it is not right and most importantly this war was not necessary. But we are here and doing our best to win. Well now is the time for us to plan & prepare for the POST COVID19 world. We MUST move on from those outdated ideas that sponsor lack of funding, me first attitude and lack of preparation to ensure never again personal greed and gain outweighs prosperity and well being for all. There is fantastic abundance in this world and humans are resourceful, creative and collaborative beings. If we work together to plan, train and prepare for a prosperous future FOR ALL! If we follow the American Marine Model of “NO MAN (or woman or child) left Behind”, we can make the future prosperous for all. There will always be challenges and adversity and that is good because anything worth achieving is up hill and requires hard work. But money should never be the main determining factor for doing what is right and necessary!